(a)违反或企图违反《澳博app下载网》, 故意协助或诱使他人这样做, 或通过他人的行为来实现;
(b)犯下有损澳博app诚信的犯罪行为, 诚信, 或者在其他方面适合做澳博app;
(f) Knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct or other law; or
[1]许多违法行为不利于澳博app执业, 例如涉及欺诈的罪行和故意不提交所得税申报表的罪行. 然而,某些类型的冒犯没有这种含义. 传统上,这种区别是根据涉及“道德败坏”的罪行来划分的.这个概念可以被解释为包括一些涉及个人道德问题的罪行, 比如通奸和类似的罪行, 与适合从事法律工作没有特别的联系. 尽管澳博app对整个刑法负有个人责任, 澳博app只应对那些表明缺乏与法律实践相关的特征的罪行承担专业责任. 涉及暴力的罪行, 不诚实, 违反信任, 或者严重干涉司法行政都属于这一类. 反复冒犯的模式, 即使是单独考虑时意义不大的问题, 可以表示对法律义务漠不关心吗.
[2]第(d)段禁止“严重干扰司法行政”的行为包括以前的《澳博app下载网》根据DR 1-102(A)(5)规定禁止的“妨害司法行政”的行为.” The cases under paragraph (d) include acts by a lawyer such as: failure to cooperate with Disciplinary Counsel; failure to respond to Disciplinary Counsel’s inquiries or subpoenas; failure to abide by agreements made with Disciplinary Counsel; failure to appear in court for a scheduled hearing; failure to obey court orders; failure to turn over the assets of a conservatorship to the court or to the successor conservator; failure to keep the 酒吧 advised of respondent’s changes of address, after being warned to do so; and tendering a check known to be worthless in settlement of a claim against the lawyer or against the lawyer’s client. (d)款应灵活解释,并包括与上述例子类似性质的任何不当行为.
[3]澳博app违反(d)款的冒犯行为, 虐待, 或者有严重妨碍司法的骚扰行为的. 这种行为可能包括表现出种族偏见或偏见的言语或行为, 性, 宗教, 国家的起源, 残疾, 年龄, 性取向, 或者社会经济地位.